Makes me stronger
Getting out of hard times alive are tough, really tough
But when you get out of it you are stronger then ever
Don't jump off the train
It's easy to get off track,
jump off the train and find out lying in the dessert is quite good
But when you're ready to jump on the train,
it wont just stop to pick you up
You realize this is when you need to run and try to get someone to pull you up,
It's when you get that you are in certain need of others
It's difficult to get on track again
jump off the train and find out lying in the dessert is quite good
But when you're ready to jump on the train,
it wont just stop to pick you up
You realize this is when you need to run and try to get someone to pull you up,
It's when you get that you are in certain need of others
It's difficult to get on track again
Imagine all the ones who loose
Imagine you love somebody, even though you really shouldn't
You tell this person your deepest secret of all time
Instead of a continue the sweetest dream, you put a deep knife through your heart,
holding the handle and twist
Try to picture the damn pain
But just to make it a little bit more worse
Imagine this person was your soulmate
You tell this person your deepest secret of all time
Instead of a continue the sweetest dream, you put a deep knife through your heart,
holding the handle and twist
Try to picture the damn pain
But just to make it a little bit more worse
Imagine this person was your soulmate
Where did I go wrong
"When you have exactly everything to loose,
and even more to win
Would you doubt on what you should do?
But baby I'm sure, I don't wanna waste another day without you"
I didn't wanna fall in love with you,
but I did
Between the lines of fear and blame
Keep going over and over everything in my head,
but how much I try to find a reasonble explanation
I can't for anything in the world find one
Where did I go wrong?
Somewhere along in the bitterness.
And I would have stayed up with you all night,
Had I known how to save a life.
I want to know how to save my own life
Min andra del
Jag spelade högt och jag förlorade,
Men jag vågade satsa
Vart gick det så väldigt fel?
Men jag vågade satsa
Vart gick det så väldigt fel?
The bad parts
Nackdelen med verkligheten är att allt händer på riktigt
Att bryta ihop och komma tillbaka
De säger att efter en förlust är det bara att bryta ihop och komma igen,
Jag bryter ihop, långsamt och vidrigt smärtsamt,
Sen tänker jag komma tillbaka, starkare än någon gång tidigare
Jag bryter ihop, långsamt och vidrigt smärtsamt,
Sen tänker jag komma tillbaka, starkare än någon gång tidigare